I have been experiencing that exact paralysis for two days and it’s been so hard not to give into it. I needed to read this, thank you ♥️

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Oof, Alex. Right there alongside you. <3

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I was so happy to get this! I frequently am not thinking. “It’s Friday” when I see your writing in my mailbox. You are so brave! I know that creative block too well

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Claudia! Thank you so much. <3

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Love this! And it took me right back to a Shakespeare class at Penn State 30 years ago where I waited until 36 hours ahead of time to write my semester captstone... to this day I can't remember what I wrote, but the relief of the "Huzzah" scrawled across the front page by my professor when it came back was the most palpable relief I ever remember experiencing... "Got away with it... again... sigh... oof," I thought :)

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This was such a perfectly relatable read. I’ll bet *everyone* has experienced this paralysis at times. Not everyone though picked themselves up as you have to figure out what to do when it hits and thereby overcome it.

We’ve all been in this situation and the self doubt is a demon. As Anna Quindlen famously says time and again, the only remedy is “butt in chair”.

I envy those soon to be students who will profit wildly from your teaching. Day one I’m sure you’ll tell them to reach out if they have a question or head to the writing center. Who among us has not felt “lesser than” or, as you beautifully recount, ashamed of needing assistance. Who, among us, doesn’t profit from asking for help? I don’t believe anyone who says she or he wouldn’t welcome it. The problem is we wait for someone to offer it instead of asking.

Can’t wait to read more! One day I’m going to take a night class you offer. Hold me to it!! 🙏🏻💗

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Beth, you better believe I'm going to hold you to it!! (Can't wait. You're going to be a stellar student.) :)

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My memories of sitting in a classroom are decades old but still I remember my tendency to put off semester projects until literally the 11th hour. For me the deadline was too important and I would not miss it. I usually kicked it into gear and stayed up all night drinking coffee for one (or more) days and was able to turn in

“something”. I totally relate to the paralysis thing....

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Whew, boy do I ever remember that feeling. (Also, it's good to see your name in my feed again, Phil! You've been missed.)

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So good. I’m glad you’re teaching young folks how to write. They’re very fortunate.

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Thank you, Don. <3

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Beautiful and authentic as always my friend

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Love you, bud <3

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